I've been growing my hair out, and it's finally long enough to do something with. Read this as "I wear my hair in a ponytail every single day, and I need to do something else!" Fishtail braids are so hot, and so popular, and show no signs of slowing down. Wanna know a secret? They're also pretty easy to do. Once you master the movement, and re-train your brain, there's ...
28 Fantastic DIY Beauty Products to Make Right Now
We all love beauty products. Let's face it - we do! But they're not all good for us. Tons of items have ingredients that have NO BUSINESS being on our skin. After all, our skin is the largest organ, and everything we come in contact is absorbed by our bodies. One of the ways we can help to avoid things that we don't want is to make DIY beauty products. But where do we start? Never fear! ...
Mehron INtense Pro Palette Fire Review & Swatches
Mehron is known in the theater makeup world for having fabulous products that are packed full of color. These pigments are intense and bright, long lasting, and, most importantly, easy to use. Recently, the great folks at Mehron sent me one of their Intense PRO Pressed Powder Pigments palettes to play with. Whew! Say that 10 times fast. Anyway…I opened it up, and there were eight of the ...
Get the Look: Michelle Dockery’s 2013 Emmy Awards Look
We all love Downton Abbey, right? The show seems to take the whole world by storm, just a year ago. Whoda thunk that a BBC show that was airing on PBS in the states would do that? But it did. Michelle Dockery, who plays Lady Mary Crawley, was nominated for Outstanding Lead Actress In A Drama Series at the Emmy Awards 2013. For Michelle Dockery and her 2013 Emmys makeup look, makeup ...
Mirenesse Lip Bomb Review
I received Mirenesse Lip Bombs for editorial purposes. Opinions are my own. Lip colors are so difficult to get right. Lip gloss tends to fade really quickly. Lip stains can be chalky, leave a weird texture on your lips, or feel like a marker. Lipsticks tend to last longer, but may feather out or get all over your teeth. What is a girl to do? ...
CVS Beauty Products vs Their Name Brand Counterparts
We received several CVS beauty products to test out. All opinions are our own. I kind of love beauty products. Well, I’ll admit it, there’s no kind of about it. I love beauty products. High end vs Department Store vs Drug Store vs Store Brand. How do you decide? CVS Pharmacy has released their own version of select top sellers from their stores. The good folks at CVS Pharmacy stores ...
Disney Beauties Ariel Collection Overview
Have you heard the news? The Disney Reigning Beauties Ariel Collection of cosmetics is out now! Right on, right? “Who’s Ariel?” I heard at least one of you ask this. Ariel, from The Little Mermaid, the classic Disney movie? Yeah, that’s better. ...
Covet Waterproof Eyeliner Will Make You Happy
A good eyeliner is hard to find. Sometimes I feel like Goldilocks and the Three Bears when looking for one. “This one’s too hard and tugs. This one’s too soft and gets mushy. This one doesn’t have a nice line, or wears off after practically no time.” Well, I think I found a new liner that’s just right! Anastasia Beverly Hills has come out with a new eyeliner that is fantastic! Covet ...