Aromatherapy is a buzz word that we hear used a lot. But what is it, exactly?
In simple terms, aromatherapy is the practice of using essential oils, and their scents, to achieve certain purposes. There was a time, not so long ago, that aromatherapy was viewed as being a somewhat silly practice. Only weirdos and those really crunchy people believed in aromatherapy, people scoffed, as they burned scented candles during a relaxing bath. Yup, practicing aromatherapy.
The practice of aromatherapy has come a long way though, and there are many scientific studies that actually show the effect scents have on brain waves.
Aromatherapy is more than just burning candles and aromatic massages. There are very real therapeutic applications for aromatherapy. As it becomes more popular, people are learning just how many beneficial uses aromatherapy has on your body and mind. This is really surprising for lots of people.
Natural Cures
Many aromatherapy essential oils have pain relieving qualities. Some have actual anti-inflammatory, and even antiseptic, qualities. These essential oils make excellent treatments for many common ailments. Aromatherapy can relieve headaches and muscle aches, and can even treat issues from skin problems to allergies. This is because the pure essential oils used in aromatherapy are extracted directly from plants that have actual medicinal qualities.
Stress Relief
You should never underestimate the importance of stress relief. The ability to relax your mind, and your body, can help with a litany of seemingly unrelated issues. You know how you clench your jaw and shoulders? That’s stress. You can easily prevent a number of different stress related problems like migraine headaches and neck and back pain just by engaging in the right stress relieving practices. Yoga, stretching exercises, walking around, and aromatherapy are all great stress relieving practices. There’s a reason people talk about lavender being calming.
Sleep Habits
Starting with the ability to relax your mind and body, aromatherapy can seriously improve your sleep habits. Getting to sleep, and staying asleep, affects the quality of sleep you’re getting. Do you wake up refreshed? If not, aromatherapy can help you create quality sleep habits. And if you didn’t get enough quality sleep the night before? Aromatherapy can help get your day started on the right foot, or perk you up during the afternoon slump.
Breathe Easy
Suffering with allergies or a common cold? Never fear, there’s a solution for that, too. The right aromatherapy blend can help open up your sinuses and breathing passages to help you breathe easier. Some varieties even have immune boosting and antiseptic qualities. These can help with some breathing ailments, such as sinus problems or allergies. With so many different scents and blends, from relaxing to refreshing, you can enjoy each breath you take just a little more.
Mood Enhancement/Stabilization
Sometimes there’s nothing worse than being down in the dumps. Now, there’s nothing wrong with being sad, depressed, or even angry. It’s totally okay, and normal, to let yourself feel. But, if you want a little mood boost, aromatherapy can help you out. Many aromatherapy scents have real mood boosting qualities. There have been studies done that show changes in mood, based on changes in brain waves.
Aromatherapy isn’t just about lighting some candles, or making massage oils. In fact, it couldn’t be much further from the truth. These are just a few of the nearly endless list of benefits of aromatherapy. Aromatherapy works in many different ways, from simply using your nose, to using diffusers and different carrier oils for baths or massages and more. Put aromatherapy to work for you!
I discovered aromatherapy by accident. I know that lavender does miracles for me, so do a few others, but esp lavender, and know to get it ahead of time when I have to go through a stressful period.