Special thanks to Almay for sponsoring the What is Beauty conversation
What is beauty? Really, what is it? We’re bombarded all the time with articles or reports on how to be more beautiful. And what’s considered to be beauty seems to change season by season.
Dictionary.com defines beauty as
the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest).
What is Beauty?
What is beauty? It’s a question I ask myself regularly. To me, beauty is something that emanates from your spirit and your soul. I’m sure we all know people that are conventionally attractive, but they’re not a very nice person. It seeps into every feeling and view you have about that person, and suddenly, they’re not so pretty to you. Self-confidence is beautiful. Intelligence is beautiful. Kindness is beautiful.
I believe that beauty comes from within. The inner beauty truly makes the outer beauty glow. Is it really these tips and tricks from magazines that make us beautiful? No. Of course makeup, skin treatments, and all that stuff helps to enhance our outer beauty. And I will admit that enhancing your outer beauty can, and does, help with self-confidence. Who doesn’t feel amazing when they get their hair done, or they know they’re looking extra fine today?
Almay wants to help women embrace their beauty. They, along with their celebrity spokesperson Carrie Underwood, have released a video discussing “What is Beauty?”
Isn’t it about time that we teach our girls this, too? Tell them that they’re beautiful, that they’re smart. Tell them that they can do whatever they want in life. Encourage their passions and allow them to pursue those endeavours.
Let’s open a dialogue. Take a look at the video, and let me know what you think beauty is!
Great post
I think that beauty is whatever you want it to be. It’s different for every person.
I think beauty is confidence in whole you are. Embracing yourself and accepting yourself for who you are.
I thought this was a great post. I think beauty is all about self acceptance and love. It can also be about knowing and showing love for others!
Thanks for this lovely post!! We are ALL beautiful women in some way or another and should embrace that
I really enjoyed this post. I am a firm believer in the cliche that beauty starts from within, but it doesn’t hurt to boost the outside either.